Seven keys that might be useful for you to better understand all that “IS”

I argue that the universe is one of a dynamic relationship between all that is ontological and temporal. I have nominated ontological as being all that is “implicit” in the universe and all that is temporal as being “explicit”. Physicists have long realised that this relationship is “weird”. In my opinion the seven following keys [tools] provide conceptual embryonic insight as to how complex an observer might observe the inner workings of the universe. This is if they are able to observe from the “cosmological-region” of whatever existed prior to the Big Bang. I broadly introduce these keys as follows. More detailed physics theory quotations pertinent to these short opening insights follow in the same order immediately thereafter.

The keys:

A. The act of looking at something somehow changes what it was before you looked at it.

B. How is it that all things have some sort of hidden physical meaning, and perhaps influence other things such as consciousness.

C. It is possible for one thing to be two things at the same time.

D. There are hidden things and potential events ‘sitting somewhere’ waiting to do something in response to something else.

E. There is always a degree of guesswork involved in measuring anything in physics.

F. Given the right circumstances and conditions, ‘things’ can tunnel through solid objects leaving no apparent clue as to how this might have come about.

G. All things and events in the universe are somehow entangled with each other so that they can also share information between themselves, via influences and other causal tendencies to do something, such as when individuals are thinking in between talking.

The widely accepted physics theories that seem to support these seven concepts.

1. Quantum superposition theory

Quantum superposition theory is a principle of quantum mechanics that says that all things (like particles) exist in two states. One state is before they are observed and the other is after they have been observed. The act of observation ‘changes’ things from what they were before.

2. Hidden variables

Hidden variables relate to things that are as yet unknown or unknowable to physics. These include how it is that particles have implicit properties, and the causal implicit properties of consciousness [in other documents I mostly say awareness] at the same time.

3. Indeterminate state

An indeterminate state is something like a photon particle having the properties of being an indeterminate implicit [ontological] wave-like state and an explicit temporal particle state at the same time.

4. Virtual particles

A virtual particle is a particle that could be analogically invisibly ‘seated’ within the fibres of a piece of cloth. This is a piece of cloth that an observer might observe with a needle with cotton in its eye stitching backwards and forwards on either side of the cloth. This means that virtual particles can “mediate” processes between particles as they move from, say, an explicit chemical state to an implicit non- chemical state of some kind. This might include a different type of non-detectable energy or influence. In respect to these words also note the following link and its contents…


“…Quantum theory predicts that every particle spends some time as a combination of other particles in all possible ways…”

5. Quantum uncertainty principle

Quantum uncertainty in physics means that there is a limit to what can be known about the smallest scales in nature. This means that the best that science can do is to calculate the probabilities as to where things are and how they might behave. In an everyday sense this means that scientists have difficulties in accurately measuring things in space because space is so turbulent. This also means that there is a degree of guesswork involved in being precise in predicting whether a thing, event or process is going to move or change this or that way, or not.

6 Quantum tunnelling

The quantum tunnelling effect is a quantum phenomenon which occurs when particles move through a barrier that, according to the theories of classical physics, should be impossible to move through.

7. Quantum non-local (entanglement) theory demonstrates the indeterminate commonly linked state of all that “IS”. This is an animated version and this is a professional physics version, describing what entanglement is.

I hope that this seven point information might be helpful in you better understanding some of the mysterious happenings in the wider world around us. This might include you and me.

If you feel confused and perplexed by such scientific jargon don’t worry! This is what the physicist Richard Feynman said about this type of complex physics. The quote is linked to a statement that he made to students before one of his lectures.


“…Will you understand what I’m going to tell you?… No, you’re not going to be able to understand it-You see, my physics students don’t understand it either. That is because I don’t understand it. Nobody does.”*

*If the words in this presentation seem to you to have a degree of validity I introduce you to this David Bohm documentary trailer to the full Infinite Potential video. In doing this try to understand the philosophical commentary thereto rather than the physics debate therein. Some of the science is complicated and not designed to be fully understood by lay persons, including me. The information herein can also be linked to this Infinite Potential post.

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