When Zero might mean all that “IS”

I discuss why nothing might mean something

Some people think that zero means nothing. Others think zero means everything. If you read some of my science related blogs you will see where I believe that the later debate has merit. I propose this hypothesis in relationship to my view that the explicit [temporal] informational influences of the universe are “floating” in a sea of implicit [ontological] influences as described in this presentation. I further discuss this possibility in another shorter blog that I recently composed. From this I am proposing that all information that is implicit is without time [timeless] and as such is nondeterministic.

We can perhaps say from this that all implicit information is related to some sort of timeless [endless] continuum that can be referred to as being nothing. However, as we all know influences are real. Consciousness is real, consciousness has influential meaning. If this is correct, how can we discuss the properties [influence] of something that is nondeterministic and from a temporal perspective is “nothing”. I suggest that all that “IS” is either related to itself [I say a “common” continuum of awareness] as a universal continuum or otherwise temporally exists in a concurrent relationship with it. This is as though it were some sort of oneness. I think that this might be what Einstein was considering within this presentation that I recently compiled.

I propose that this “oneness” of all that IS has both temporal and ontological meaning and as such can perhaps be best described as having the mathematical and notional meaning of “everyday” purpose of zero. This meaning and purpose is represented by the mathematical concept of i.*

In respect to this debate you might find the three complementary links below to be of interest. In another blog demonstrate how I believe that from a multi-dimensional perspective such concept science might have merit.

* Quote:

“The imaginary number i: The imaginary numbers (numbers that include the value i = √ – 1) are a set of numbers not found on the real number line. If that idea sounds unbelievable — where else would they be? — don’t worry: For thousands of years, mathematicians didn’t believe in them, either. But real-world applications in electronics, particle physics, and many other areas of science have turned skeptics into believers. So if your summer plans include wiring your secret underground lab or building a flux capacitor for your time machine — or maybe just studying to get a degree in electrical engineering — you’ll find that imaginary numbers are too useful to be ignored.”

Complementary links:

Introduction to timelessness

The origin of the number zero

Is the past, present and future the same?

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