I have both owned, and occasionally bred dachshunds since the late 1960s. In those early times, Dachies were a popular breed of dog in Australia, but over time, public interest in the breed has declined sharply. Dachies are said to have weak spines and thus are highly susceptible to spinal damage. During the many years I have been associated with dachshunds I have never owned a dog that has had back problems, except for my bitch Bridget who fell over a steep embankment onto her back and injured herself. This injury was quickly repaired with two sessions of acupuncture.
I am suggesting that over the years the dachshund became a much maligned breed, and I feel that this is a great pity. Dachshunds are very outgoing and, if appropriately bred and trained, are fearless hounds. For example, Dachies are quite prepared to follow rabbits, snakes and other vermin down burrows with total disregard for their own safety. The characteristic can be traced back more than three hundred years.
Dachshunds are intelligent and clean dogs, and they normally get along well with children and older people. They can also be very stubborn dogs when they put their minds to it. It now seems that a resurgence of the popularity of the dachshund breed is now occurring in Australia. I recently read that dachshunds are now the second most sought after breed of dogs in Australia [after French bulldogs].
I hope that you enjoy the range of Dachie material that I have provided for you to enjoy that follows.
I introduce you to my miniature dachshund Max. Max was born in Wagga Wagga in 2014. The following three photographs were taken when Max was nearly three years of age. He is now nine
The following three photographs are of Max’s son Nicco and others. These others range over different times, including up to December 2022
Max out for his walk
Tickle my tummy please
Max in his backyard. His boss needs to mow the grass
Max’s son Nicco in late 2021. Nicco was born in November 2020. His mother’s name is Velvet
Nicco with my son Chris 2021
Max and Nicco with Ray at Ray and Chris’s hobby farm 2021 [farm]
Nicco being privileged with a treat by Father Christmas 2022
Merry Christmas from Max and Nicco 2022 at the farm
Nicco tired out at the farm
Nicco, Max and friend resting at the farm
Max and Nicco following a party at the farm 2021
Dachshund videos:
Hilarious video of a dachshund on holiday
Five week old miniature Dachies
Dachies love their lion friend
1,000 Dachshunds Gathered For A Mass Walk In London
Why do people love dachshunds?
Speedy sausage dogs take to the track
This boy loves playing with lit roman candles
Two Dachshunds teach a snake a thing or two
Dachshund website:
A detailed description of the dachshund breed
Two special pictures I chose to make your day: