The words implicit and explicit seem to describe all that “IS”

Demonstrating that in my opinion the words explicit and implicit describe all that ‘IS’.

You will see from other posts that new physics experiments show us different ways in which to think about holistic reality and our relationship with it. This is more especially so with Bohm’s physics theories.

I originally wrote this story as a first draft. This was around six years ago. I never intended for it to be made public. Today, however, I am of the opinion that some ideas contained within it are worthy of wider consideration. This includes by laypersons of which I am a learner-member too. If I were to re write it I would assemble and describe its contents differently. This includes by me employing Bohm’s last Infinite Potential ideas. This is before before he died in 1992. These Infinite Potential considerations are also included in other posts through out my website.

Link to story

Remarkable evidence that universal entanglement theory in physics is real (all things in it are somehow connected to each other)

Why recent physics experiments with respect to non-locality (entanglement) are likely to change the nature and style of scientific research forever

Also see

These two experiments demonstrate that all “things” in the universe act in a coordinated way even though no force passes through the space between them. These words strongly imply that the universe is aware of itself and furthermore the conditions at the time of the Big Bang were without time and non-local as well.

Link to the story

A contribution to the Australian bipolar mental health debate

I have learned that this medical condition is still questioned by some members of the mental health community. This also includes the general public

Also see this important qualifying post

I present informational excerpts from the literature. This may assist readers to obtain clearer and more informed understanding of what bipolar and similar neurological mental health disorders. This includes how easy it is for these disorders to be misdiagnosed by mental health practitioners.

I notice that this document was never posted. It is a draft that was never completed. I believe that the contents are self explanatory and meaningful. I apologize for the shortcomings you will find in this presentation.

The link to the story

Is the earth moving through a fluid like ether. Has this been considered by some physicists for centuries?

I believe that it is. A statement with respect to the 1887 Michelson and Morley Ether experiment seem to support these words. It remains a universally contentious debate to this day.

I believe that you will find that the information contained in the following document is challenging. It questions certain contemporary physics beliefs. As a layperson I have conducted a great deal of research in respect to this topic. As you would expect I have critics.

The document

Also see this notice

A quick look at our universe and what might be the natural order of things within it.

I mostly discuss this topic in relation to clock time and what the natural order of the universe might be in relationship to entropy physics theory

Also see this important qualifying post

All ‘things’ and associated events in the universe are subject to the process of change. Material things and events both change and decay. In both instances they change without time, because clocks change and decay too. * Thoughts, patterns of thoughts, intuition and alleged clairvoyance are everyday examples of phenomena without time. Protons in light have no rest energy (mass) and so they can also be seen to be without time (travel for ever) unless they somehow interact with ‘something’ along the way.

These words imply that all change and decay of things and events (all objects and associated influences and effects such as cutting and slicing an apple) in the universe are somehow related to some type of ‘hidden’ laws within it. By this I mean that the universe does have predictable ‘order’ within it and this is despite that all things and events are interacting with each other in ever-differing averages, densities and ratios with each other. This is in respect to not only each other but also the universe itself as a single reference frame. I suggest by this that the biggest objects (like Galaxies) and ‘bundles’ of various energy types in the universe seem to mostly get along quite well with the smallest objects in the universe such as quantum particles.

Because clocks are perpetually changing and decaying too this means that these differing averages, densities and ratios cannot be accurately observed or measured by an observer. This includes attempting to measure the speed of light with such clocks because of the process of change and decay with them as well. This is an implicit (mysterious) observable scientific paradox in science. This scientific paradox is further complicated (reduced to being chaotic) by the ever-changing condition of the universe wherein energy types and their associated, influences and effects are forever changing as well. It also should be kept in mind with these universal changes that observers similarly change and decay within the reference frame (system) of the universe too. These words then question as to how accurate can a changing and decaying observer, employing a changing and decaying clock accurately observe and measure changing and decaying things and events in the universe. I suggest that the best they can do so is to randomly do so as best they can.

I see this difficulty as being a significant failing in contemporary scientific research and discovery

In other words there appears to be no reliable mechanical mechanism that can indefinitely measure the process of decay and change of things and events in the universe unless the universe has a determinable (by clocks) some sort of end time. Unless scientists can determine a specific end time (a time reference frame) for the universe then this seems to raise a difficult question. which is:- what type of reference frame are all things and events in the universe changing and decaying in relationship to except to each other? You cannot successfully observe, analyze and count a two hundred-liter sealed barrel containing hundreds of different types and colors of small swimming fish let alone with no barrel at all.

Furthermore if a single proton is capable of traveling forever (unless it ‘hits’ something in its journey) then this suggests to me that the universe might simply be a without time, non-materialistic, nothing reference frame. In other words I am implying that nothing except perhaps an indeterminable (like the hidden rules of nature) stochastic** neural network type of ‘nothing’ reference frame that we could never observe and measure in the first place. This is although it might be mathematically demonstrated to be otherwise.

Could this nothing, however, be aware of itself as well as all things and events taking place within itself in this course of events in this process and does not need mechanical devices such as clocks in order to do so? I believe that this is the case.

*This notion of decay/change can be mathematically demonstrated by means of employing entropy theory in physics. Entropy theory in science explains Quote: “… the lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder…”) Source

** Quote: “…Having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely…” (ex Wikipedia).

John Raymond
10th April 2019

A comparison of three sub-quantum physics models of reality

In the link below you will find where I have compared three sub-quantum models of reality. These include my Awareness model. I originally composed this document so that I could demonstrate to my readers that my Awareness model has merit. By this I mean in comparison to the other two physics models as described. You may consider this to be the case as well.

Also see this important qualifying post

The link

Egg matters from an observer’s point of view

Different ways of thinking about ourselves and the inner selves of others

Also see

The egg diagram is an illustrative metaphor relating to how we may better understand the informational relationship we have with ourselves and each other. This includes our relationship with all “things” and events, influences, and effects occurring outside our symbolic egg shell. This includes unknowable influences and effects from the wider universe that scientists are yet to discover.

Link to illustration

By employing this type of symbolism I have shown how different observers [people] may observe us in relation to our symbolic shell, white and yolk in the diagram. For example: Observer number four observes the egg as being like a cold lifeless [mechanical] entity only. This observer makes assumptions or arbitrary guesses as to the workings of the complete system and processes of the observed person within such as shell.

However, in contrast to this example, observer number one only observes the highest and most favourable qualities relating to the person being observed, as they observe the implicit nature of the egg yolk. He/she observes beyond the shell to the inner components of the egg that are its white and yolk. Observer number four does not do this.

Observer number two would only observe the rational and logical things about a person [their explicit selves] as being significant and of interest, and takes no notice of their implicit yolk.

Observer number three observes all things with respect to the egg [the person]. This observer sees the outside “skin” of the shell, the shell structure itself, the under layer of the shell [like a film surface] and the white and yolk of the egg simultaneously. In other words observer number three observes the complete person in every respect.