Geo-political round up and akin

In this new blog I introduce you to important news stories that you may never have heard about or seriously considered before. You will notice that I put emphasis on subjects relating to international politics and the potential for war. This includes the politics behind the development of new highly destructive international weaponry. You will find a few of these links are a little dated but I do not feel that this is detracts from their potential reader interest. I intend to update this list from time to time.

Begin your reading experience here:

1] Does Australia need a nuclear arsenal? And what would be the cost?

2] Japan, India negotiating military logistics pact in tightening of ties Are Australia and The USA going to become part of this pact as well?

3] Trump is Forcing China to Reassess its Strategy

4] Trump spoils Xi’s Belt and Road Forum, without even attending

5] US Submarines to Field Hypersonic Weapons in 2025

6] How China fooled Donald Trump

7] South China Sea: Deterring a Fait Accompli

8] In Korean War Commemoration, Xi Warns That China Will ‘Use War to Prevent War’

9] Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise

10] India’s First Indigenous Air-Launched Radar-Killing Missile Is Headed For Service

11] Blasting The Air In Front Of Hypersonic Vehicles With Lasers Could Unlock Unprecedented Speeds

12] The Real Strategic End Game in Decoupling From China

13] You Can’t Imagine World War III Between America and China

14] America’s Startling Short Range Air Defense Gap And How To Close It Fast

15] U.S. won’t ‘tiptoe’ around China with Asia stability at threat: defense chief

16] China and U.S. clash again on trade and regional security

17] Twitter-post garbage the clearest sign yet of desperation in Beijing

18] Just like Trump’s tariffs, China’s trade attack will backfire

19] Tightening the Chain: Implementing a Strategy of Maritime Pressure in the Western Pacific

20] An India-Australia-France Trilateral Dialogue Is Overdue

21] China’s Hong Kong security laws could lead to ‘complete decoupling’ from US

22] China and Iran: Joining Forces to Beat U.S. Stealth Fighters?

23] Pentagon secretly struck back against Iranian cyberspies targeting U.S. ships

24] Russia and China Go War Against America. Here’s What Could Happen Next

25] Australia may need to consider nuclear weapons to counter China’s dominance, defence analyst says

26] ‘They beat our a–es’: Russian mercenaries talk about humiliating defeat by US in reportedly leaked audio

27] Chinese Nuclear Armed Submarines in Russian Arctic Ports? It Could Happen

28] Sanctions: the new economic battlefield

29] America vs. Russia and China: Welcome to Cold War II

30] The Army’s ‘Big Six’: America Plan to Wipe Out Russia or China In a War

31] The Ultimate Way to Deter China: Why Island-Chain Defense Can Work

32] China vs. Japan: Is the East China Sea Showdown Back on?

33] Is Russia Having Second Thoughts About Integration With China?

34] Why the China-Russia Alliance Won’t Last

35] Baoshang Bank collapse threatens China’s economy and may trigger central bank response

36] Nuclear Holocaust: If an Israel vs. Russia War Broke Out in the Middle East

37] As China and the United States fight for global dominance, is Australia’s safety at risk?

38] The Limits of the Alliance Between China and Russia

39] NATO needs to address China’s rise, says Stoltenberg

40] Indo-Pacific security should also be a European affair

41] Is America still the world’s only superpower or is China a real rival? Experts aren’t so sure any more

42] The bitter reality is the Morrison Government doesn’t know how to deal with China

43] Why China’s Premature Bid for Hegemony Is More Fragile Than You Imagine

44] The Kremlin Hierarchy Is Fast Decaying

45] So Much for Suez: What Britain’s Tanker Crisis with Iran in the Gulf Really Means

46] Chinese construction boom in Cambodian town raises fears of secret military pact