A survivor of the famous World War two German warship Bismarck tells us all [2]

The Bismarck was one of two of the largest and most powerful battleships that the Germans built. Its sister ship the Tirpitz and the Bismarck could have jointly determined the fate of the European theatre of World War two. The might have closed all sea lanes feeding the British war effort.

If you are a World War two military historian I feel that you could become engrossed by the contents of this linked article I have copied and pasted for your benefit. I have copied and pasted it this way in case the original story is removed from being online. I feel the story is far to valuable to do otherwise.

This article is an extract from a book written by the most senior survivor of the Bismarck Burkard Baron von Mullenheim-Rechberg. The author presets us with an intimate blow by blow account of the Bismarck’s encounter with the British navy far west of France in the Atlantic ocean on 27th May 1941 and its final demise.

If you do not know much about this significant event in World War two maritime history you may see these two additional links of some value too:

An enhanced background to the battle and its consequences

The British propaganda song “Sink the Bismarck”